Science behind the Q Therapeutic System
Optimizing the Brain's Learning Rate
Learning in the brain takes many forms, all of which center around the synchronous firing of neurons within a network of shared function (or neuronal network). Each network has a unique electrical pattern, which plays a crucial role in relearning.
The brain's learning rate is a critical factor in the learning process. Learning rate can refer to the speed and efficiency with which neural networks adapt to new information or recover from damage, such as after a stroke.
BRAIN.Q's investigational therapy aims to optimize the brain's learning rate following a stroke, enhancing its ability to adapt and heal. This is done by exposing damaged neural networks to oscillating fields similar to those in a
healthy brain.
Biological Basis for BRAIN.Q Therapy
Recent evidence suggests that sustained exposure to these oscillating fields might change the oxidative stress balance, leading to changes in gene expression and restored homeostasis in the brain. In this way, BRAIN.Q therapy aims to trigger a dual process of neuroprotection and neurorecovery that helps restore and rebalance network dynamics, aiding in faster and improved brain relearning and recovery following a stroke.
Learn more about the science behind what we do

Mechanism of Action:
Click here to download our white paper explaining the science behind the Q Therapeutic System
Pilot Study Results
Weisinger et al., 2022
*ENTF refers to Electromagnetic Network Targeting Field [BRAIN.Q Therapy]